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Download Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure PDF.epubl - A Versatile and Updated Book by R. Rajagopalan

Environmental Studies From Crisis To Cure PDF.epubl

If you are looking for a comprehensive and engaging introduction to environmental studies, you might want to check out Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure by R. Rajagopalan. This book is a popular textbook that covers a wide range of topics and issues related to the environment and sustainability. In this article, we will give you an overview of what this book is about, how you can read it in PDF.epubl format, and why you should consider adding it to your reading list.

Environmental Studies From Crisis To Cure PDF.epubl


What is environmental studies and why is it important?

Environmental studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the interactions between humans and nature. It explores how human activities affect the natural environment and how environmental changes impact human societies. Environmental studies also seeks to find solutions to environmental problems and promote sustainable development.

Environmental studies is important because it helps us understand the complex and dynamic relationships between humans and nature. It also helps us address some of the most pressing global challenges that we face today, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, resource depletion, poverty, inequality, health, security, etc. By studying environmental issues from different perspectives and disciplines, we can develop a holistic and integrated approach to solving them.

What are the main themes and topics covered in the book?

Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure is a comprehensive textbook that covers a wide range of themes and topics related to environmental studies. Some of the main themes include:

  • Environmental ethics: This theme explores the moral values and principles that guide human actions towards nature. It also examines different ethical theories and perspectives on environmental issues.

  • Biodiversity: This theme covers the diversity of life on Earth, including its origins, evolution, distribution, classification, conservation, and value.

  • Climate change: This theme explains the causes and consequences of global warming and climate change. It also discusses the mitigation and adaptation strategies to cope with climate change.

  • Energy: This theme analyzes the sources, uses, and impacts of energy. It also evaluates the potential and challenges of renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

  • Pollution: This theme describes the types, sources, effects, and control of various forms of pollution, such as air, water, soil, noise, etc.

  • And many more: The book also covers other topics such as natural resources, ecosystems, population, agriculture, urbanization, waste management, environmental laws and policies, environmental movements and education, etc.

The book is divided into 16 chapters, each of which provides a clear and concise introduction to a specific topic. The book also includes case studies, examples, diagrams, tables, figures, exercises, questions, and references to enhance the learning experience.

How does the book approach environmental studies from crisis to cure?

The book adopts a unique framework and methodology to approach environmental studies from crisis to cure. The book follows a three-step process:

  • Identify the crisis: The book identifies the major environmental problems and challenges that we face today. It explains the causes and consequences of these problems and how they affect human well-being and nature.

  • Analyze the crisis: The book analyzes the environmental problems from different perspectives and disciplines. It explores the interconnections and interdependencies between natural and social systems. It also evaluates the trade-offs and conflicts between different stakeholders and interests.

  • Solve the crisis: The book proposes solutions to the environmental problems based on scientific knowledge and ethical values. It suggests ways to prevent, reduce, or resolve the environmental problems. It also promotes actions to achieve sustainable development and environmental justice.

The book emphasizes that environmental studies is not only about understanding the problems but also about finding solutions. It encourages readers to think critically and creatively about how to address environmental issues in a holistic and integrated way.

What are some of the benefits and features of reading the book in PDF.epubl format?

PDF.epubl is a format that combines the features of PDF and epub formats. PDF is a format that preserves the layout and design of a document. Epub is a format that adapts to the size and orientation of a device. PDF.epubl is a format that offers both advantages.

Some of the benefits and features of reading the book in PDF.epubl format are:

  • Accessibility: You can read the book on any device that supports PDF or epub formats, such as computers, tablets, smartphones, e-readers, etc. You can also zoom in or out, change fonts or colors, or use text-to-speech features to enhance your reading experience.

  • Portability: You can download or transfer the book easily from one device to another. You can also store the book on a cloud service or a USB drive. You don't need to carry a heavy or bulky print copy of the book.

  • Affordability: You can save money by buying or accessing the book online. You don't need to pay for printing or shipping costs. You can also find free or discounted versions of the book on some websites or platforms.

  • Environmentally friendly: You can reduce your environmental impact by reading the book digitally. You don't need to use paper or ink to print the book. You also don't generate waste or emissions from transporting or disposing of the book.

However, reading the book in PDF.epubl format also has some drawbacks and limitations. Some of them are:

  • Dependency on technology: You need a device and an internet connection to read the book online. You may face technical issues or glitches that affect your reading experience. You may also lose access to the book if your device breaks down or gets lost or stolen.

  • Lack of physicality: You may miss the feel and smell of a print copy of the book. You may also find it harder to annotate or highlight parts of the book digitally. You may not be able to lend or share the book with others easily.

  • Potential distractions: You may get distracted by other apps or notifications on your device while reading the book. You may also strain your eyes or posture by reading on a screen for a long time. You may need to adjust your lighting or brightness settings to read comfortably.

Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of reading the book in PDF.epubl format before deciding whether it suits your preferences and needs.

How can you download or access the book online?

How can you download or access the book online?

If you want to read Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure in PDF.epubl format, you have several options to download or access it online. Some of them are:

  • Official website: You can visit the official website of the book at and buy the book in PDF.epubl format. You can also find more information about the book and the author on the website.

  • Online platforms: You can use online platforms such as Amazon, Google Play, Apple Books, etc. to buy or rent the book in PDF.epubl format. You can also read reviews and ratings from other readers on these platforms.

  • Online libraries: You can use online libraries such as Open Library, Internet Archive, Project Gutenberg, etc. to borrow or download the book in PDF.epubl format for free. You may need to create an account or sign up for these libraries.

  • Online courses: You can enroll in online courses that use the book as a textbook or a reference. For example, you can take the course Introduction to Environmental Studies offered by Coursera at You can access the book in PDF.epubl format as part of the course materials.

However, you should be careful and respectful when downloading or accessing the book online. You should not violate the intellectual property rights of the author or the publisher. You should also not share or distribute the book illegally or without permission.

How can you use the book for learning or teaching environmental studies?

Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure is a useful and versatile book that you can use for learning or teaching environmental studies. Here are some ways to use the book effectively:

  • For students: You can use the book as a textbook or a reference for your environmental studies courses or programs. You can also use the book as a self-study guide or a supplementary material for your personal interest or curiosity. You can read the book chapter by chapter or selectively according to your needs and goals. You can also do the exercises and questions at the end of each chapter to test your understanding and apply your knowledge.

  • For educators: You can use the book as a curriculum or a syllabus for your environmental studies courses or programs. You can also use the book as a source of examples, case studies, activities, projects, etc. for your teaching methods and strategies. You can adapt the book according to your level, context, and audience. You can also encourage your students to read and discuss the book in groups or individually.

The book is designed to be flexible and adaptable for different learners and educators. It is also updated and revised regularly to reflect the latest developments and trends in environmental studies.

What are some of the reviews and feedbacks from readers and experts on the book?

Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure has received many positive reviews and feedbacks from readers and experts on the book. Here are some examples:

"This is an excellent textbook for undergraduate students of environmental studies. It covers all the essential topics and concepts in a clear and concise manner. It also provides relevant examples and case studies from India and other countries. It is well-written, well-illustrated, and well-organized."

- Dr. Anil Kumar Singh, Professor of Environmental Science, Banaras Hindu University

"I really enjoyed reading this book. It gave me a comprehensive and engaging introduction to environmental studies. It also made me think critically and creatively about how to solve environmental problems. It inspired me to take action and make a difference."

- Priya Sharma, Student of Environmental Studies, Delhi University

"This is a must-read book for anyone who cares about the environment and sustainability. It explains complex and controversial issues in a simple and balanced way. It also offers practical and ethical solutions to the environmental crisis. It is a book that can change your perspective and your life."

- Ravi Kumar, Environmental Activist and Blogger

However, the book also has some negative reviews and feedbacks from readers and experts. Here are some examples:

"This book is too superficial and simplistic for environmental studies. It does not cover the depth and diversity of the field. It also ignores the alternative and critical perspectives on environmental issues. It is biased and outdated."

- Dr. Nirmala Devi, Professor of Environmental Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University

"I found this book boring and confusing. It had too many facts and figures that were hard to remember. It also had too many exercises and questions that were hard to answer. It did not motivate me to learn more about environmental studies."

- Rajesh Kumar, Student of Environmental Studies, Mumbai University

"This book is a waste of time and money. It does not provide any new or useful information or insights on environmental studies. It also does not address the real and urgent challenges that we face today. It is a book that can mislead and discourage you."

- Sunita Rani, Environmental Journalist and Author

Therefore, you should read the book with an open mind and a critical eye. You should also compare and contrast the book with other sources and opinions on environmental studies.

What are some of the other books or resources that are similar or complementary to the book?

If you want to read more books or resources that are similar or complementary to Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure, you can check out some of these suggestions:

  • Environmental Science: A Global Concern by William P. Cunningham and Mary Ann Cunningham: This is another comprehensive textbook that covers the basic concepts and principles of environmental science. It also focuses on the global aspects and implications of environmental issues.

  • Silent Spring by Rachel Carson: This is a classic book that exposes the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment and human health. It also sparked the modern environmental movement and awareness.

  • The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert: This is a popular book that explores the causes and consequences of the mass extinction of species that is happening today. It also warns about the future of life on Earth.

  • This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate by Naomi Klein: This is a provocative book that argues that the root cause of the climate crisis is capitalism. It also proposes radical social and economic changes to combat climate change.

  • The Lorax by Dr. Seuss: This is a children's book that tells the story of a creature who speaks for the trees against a greedy businessman who destroys the environment for profit. It also teaches the importance of caring for nature.

These are just some examples of other books or resources that you can read or use to learn more about environmental studies or related topics. You can also find many more online or offline.


In conclusion, Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure by R. Rajagopalan is a comprehensive and engaging introduction to environmental studies. It covers a wide range of topics and issues related to the environment and sustainability. It also approaches environmental studies from crisis to cure, which emphasizes the interconnections between natural and social systems, and the need for interdisciplinary and holistic solutions.

You can read this book in PDF.epubl format, which offers several benefits and features, such as accessibility, portability, affordability, and environmentally friendliness. You can also download or access this book online from various sources, such as websites, platforms, libraries, or courses.

You can use this book for learning or teaching environmental studies, as it provides clear and concise explanations, relevant examples and case studies, exercises and questions, etc. You can also read reviews and feedbacks from readers and experts on this book, which can help you evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

If you want to read more books or resources that are similar or complementary to this book, you can check out some suggestions, such as Environmental Science: A Global Concern, Silent Spring, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate, or The Lorax.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure or the topic:

  • Who is the author of Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure?

The author of Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure is R. Rajagopalan, who is a professor emeritus of environmental engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. He has over 40 years of experience in teaching, research, and consulting in environmental studies.

  • When was Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure published and how many editions does it have?

Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure was first published in 2005 by Oxford University Press. It has four editions, the latest one being published in 2019. The book is updated and revised regularly to reflect the latest developments and trends in environmental studies.

  • What is the difference between environmental studies and environmental science?

Environmental studies and environmental science are closely related but not identical fields. Environmental studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the interactions between humans and nature from various perspectives and disciplines, such as natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, etc. Environmental science is a subfield of environmental studies that focuses on the scientific aspects of environmental issues, such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology, etc.

  • What is the difference between PDF and epubl formats?

PDF and epubl are two different formats for reading books or documents digitally. PDF is a format that preserves the layout and design of a document. Epubl is a format that adapts to the size and orientation of a device. PDF.epubl is a format that combines the features of both formats.

  • What are some of the career options for environmental studies graduates?

Environmental studies graduates have many career options in various sectors and fields, such as government, non-governmental organizations, academia, industry, media, etc. Some of the common job roles for environmental studies graduates are environmental engineer, environmental consultant, environmental educator, environmental journalist, environmental manager, environmental activist, etc.



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