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Online Blended Family Workshops

     Uniting two families with distinct cultures, history and sometimes baggage isn't something that comes naturally to most of us.  After 15 years of stepfamily life, we finally realized that most of the issues we were dealing with in our relationship and family were the result of failing to understand that stepfamilies are different

     This monthly workshop series teaches skills and techniques for dealing with a wide spectrum of stepfamily issues from dealing with a high conflict ex, to managing expectations to planning stepfamily finances.

On-Demand Workshop Library

Connecting with Stepchildren
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Connecting with Stepchildren
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Connecting with Stepchildren

Why is Stepfamily Life So Hard
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Why is Stepfamily Life So Hard

Back to School in a Pandemic
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Back to School in a Pandemic

Step Parenting with Purpose
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Step Parenting with Purpose


Meet the Speakers

Why is Stepfamily Life So Hard?

Presented by Heather Hetchler

Founder: Learning2Step

Recorded: August 28, 2020

You married with love and hope in your heart. Yet your marriage and stepfamily feel more like a battleground than a place of respite.

You unpacked your life when you blended families but did you unpack the hurts and expectations you brought with you? Join Heather to explore dynamics that are inherent in every stepfamily. These dynamics and challenges transcend race, religion, location, class and more. The dynamics of a stepfamily are heart issues and to understand and navigate your stepfamily you need to understand them. 

More from Heather:

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Step Parenting with Purpose

Presented by Karalee Katsambanis

Author: Step Parenting with Purpose

Recorded July 31, 2020

One day you will tell your story of how you have overcome what you're going through now, and it will become part of someone else's survival guide. This is the book I wish I had had 15 years ago. I decided to write it from a retrospective, rather than a reactionary, point of view. My stepkids are now 26 & 25, they were 10 & 11 when I became their stepmom.


I have never met or had any communication with their Mom. Yes, I have never met or had any communication with their Mom. So, I wrote this book to share my step parenting journey and insights to help revolutionise and reaffirm your life as a step parent knowing you are not alone, no matter what is thrown at you on the journey.

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Preventing Children in the Middle

Presented by Jay and Tammy Daughtry

Founders: Co-Parenting International

Recorded June 26, 2020

Raising kids between mom's house and dad's house can be taxing and often is met with adult frustration. In this workshop we will be focusing on how children experience handoffs, competing attachments, 10 things kids wish they could tell their parents as well as what is at risk when they have two homes.


Solutions and strategies will be given to increase co-parent communication as well as dynamics within the stepfamily home to help children THRIVE! Kids in complex families live with one heart, between two homes - there is hope and it can be done well!

Dealing with a High Conflict Ex

Presented by Kim Giles

Author: Choosing Clarity - The Path to Fearlessness

Recorded: May 29, 2020

Ending a relationship with a partner who is prone to conflict can be challenging on many levels. If you have children, one of the most significant difficulties will be figuring out how to build a working relationship as co-parents. In that, you may have ideas about how you envision yourself parenting moving forward, yet it's possible that these ideas might conflict with those of the other parent.

Dealing with a high-conflict co-parent can be mentally, physically, emotionally, and sometimes financially draining. In this workshop you'll find strategies to find peace of mind as you learn to manage your relationship with your high conflict ex-spouse.

Creating the Stepfamily You Want

Presented by Michael and Christina Fisher (Blended Family Crusaders)

Recorded: March 27, 2020

Creating a stepfamily is a huge decision — much bigger than getting married without dependent kids from earlier relationships — because of the obvious baggage. It’s not enough just to love somebody.  You have to make sure your love is strong enough to share your partner’s family life — and even if you’re sure, you can’t just jump into it without preparation.

As a stepfamily there is so much consideration that is required to make a family successful, but most of the time we just mess it up because we don't know how to effectively be in a stepfamily.  Join us to learn practical skills for creating the stepfamily you've always wanted.

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Establishing Stepfamily Expectations

Presented by High Impact Speaker, Keith Crossley

Recorded: February 28, 2020

The prospect of building a stepfamily can evoke feelings of excitement, relief, nervousness and worry all at the same time.  Building a successful stepfamily requires significant energy and commitment, so partners should talk about expectations for each other and their new family before and after marriage. Addressing these important issues early can help avoid serious problems down the road. Setting realistic expectations and goals are crucial to creating a healthy, successful stepfamily.


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