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Jacob Cox
Jacob Cox

Paletter 4.2.0

Prior to JBoss Tools 4.2.0.CR2 one could not deploy JEE 7 projects to OpenShift. The OpenShift server adapter complained that it was not supporting version 3.1 of the J2EE Web module specification. In this new milestone we now fixed this.

Paletter 4.2.0

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In JBoss Tools 4.2.0 Beta2 you will be able to start new applications from the promoted OpenShift quickstarts. A quickstart will configure the appication-, add-on cartridge(s) and the application template code for you.

OpenShift allows you to add and remove other users to your domain and grant them view or write permissions. In JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Beta3 we added a link to the domain wizard. Hitting this link points your browser to the webpage in the OpenShift where you can manage your domain members.

JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Beta3 now allows you to pick the files that you want to publish. Once you tell the OpenShift server adapter to publish, it checks the pending changes and lists them in a dialog. You may then stage the ones you want to push and provide a commit message. The very same is true for the inital import of your OpenShift application: The application-/import-wizard lists the files it changed and allows you to commit and push them back to OpenShift.

Compared to the last beta, there have been over 30 bug fixes. New in Krita 4.2.0 is updated support for drawing tablets, support for HDR monitors on Windows, an improved color palette docker, scripting API for animation, color gamut masking, improved selection handling, much nicer handling of the interaction between opacity and flow and much, much, much more.

The scaling of spreadsheets sees a major improvement in Collabora Online 4.2.0. While previously (as in other products) the choice was 100% or 200%, now you can select a zoom level that best suits you. This improvement is accessible with a comfortable quick selector in the lower right corner.

Images are fun, and working with them across all types of documents has been massively improved in Collabora Online 4.2.0. Rotating is easy with the clear handles and the new sidebar allows you to adjust colours, brightness, contrast and transparency. You can also use the sidebar module to arrange the foreground or background positioning of your images.

Launching links in previous versions required a control-click, which was hard to discover. In Collabora Online 4.2.0, when you collaborate on a document and you want to know the destination of a link, then our new release shows it at a glance. If the mouse cursor is over a link, you will see a pop-up displaying the links target. The pop-up also allows you to see and access the destination with a single click.

Collabora Online 4.2.0 is our first release of our next development series, suitable for large scale deployment, and comes with SLA, enterprise support with signed security updates as well as interaction with product management, helping to direct our development priorities.(Customers can find the URL for the repository in the customer portal.)Collabora Online integrates flawlessly into Nextcloud, ownCloud, Seafile, and many of the major file sync & share, groupware and hosting solutions. It is ideal for organizations that want to collaborate on documents without losing control over them or compromising on privacy. With the ability to host it on your own hardware or to integrate it into a trusted environment, Collabora Online is the ideal online office suite for digital sovereignty. Enterprises interested in using Collabora Online can check out our home page for more information on partner integrations and online demos. Hosting and Cloud businesses that wish to add Collabora Online to their product portfolio can become a partner. For any questions or tailored solutions, do not hesitate to contact

Contao version 4.2.0 is available. The feature release includes a tree view filter, a file search, content elements for YouTube and Vimeo videos and improved insert tag and sub-palette support. Also, the back end theme has been modernized.

Otherwise, by default, you will be writing a NetCDF 3 file, and youshouldn't have any problems.You are writing more than 10 global attributes and/or more than 10variable attributes to a file. (In some testing, this number seems tovary depending on conditions we're not sure of.)If you then transfer this NetCDF file to a little endian system(Linux Intel or Mac Intel systems), you may not be able to read itback in using an NCL script, ncl_filedump, or any other program thatreads NetCDF-4 classic files.Another bug in the recent implementation of aggregated variablesubscripting for the file list returned by theaddfiles function was found in version 5.1.1 and has now beenfixed. It involves selection along the aggregated dimension only whenusing vector subscripting. The problem occurs when a selection resultsin a single element being accessed along the aggregated dimension forany file in the list. The symptoms of this problem range from possiblecore dumps to returned variables that have fewer coordinate variablesthan expected along with odd mix-ups between the coordinate variablesthat are present. Users are advised to avoid using vector subscriptingalong the aggregated dimension if there is a possibility that only oneelement is selected from any of the files in the list.dim_avg_WrapThis function was not copying variable attributes as advertised.gsn_panelA bug was fixed in which if you use a "plot" arraywith multiple calls to gsn_panel,and each set of paneled plots has a different common labelbar,then you wouldn't get the correct labelbar for the second plot.Here an NCL script that illustratesthe problem.mjo_xcor_lag_seasonAdded a statment that fixes a possible numerical rounding issue. rho_mwjfDr. Arne Melson [Norwegian Meteorological Institute,R & D - Oceanography ] noted that the results were applicablefor computing surface potential density only, i.e., where depth=0. A modification has since been applied [version 5.2.0] to accuratelycompute all density surfaces (depth >= 0). rcm2points_WrapCorrected an interface error.skewT_PlotDataFixed an issue that occured when the attribute [resource] ThermoInfo was set to False.Version 5.1.1June 16, 2009New functionsSupport for shapefiles and other geospatial data formats - (beta test version)New and updated resourcesChange to the procedure for updating GRIB1 parameter tablesNew and updated ECMWF GRIB 1parameter tables"addfile" bugs fixedBugs fixed"shea_util.ncl" has new dependencyChanges to WRAPITDeprecated functionsNew functionsdim_avg_n, dim_avg_wgt_n,dim_cumsum_n, dim_max_n,dim_median_n, dim_min_n,dim_num_n, dim_pqsort_n,dim_product_n, dim_rmsd_n,dim_rmvmean_n, dim_rmvmed_n,dim_standardize_n, dim_stat4_n,dim_stddev_n, dim_sum_n,dim_sum_wgt_n, dim_variance_n,dim_avg_n_Wrap, dim_avg_wgt_n_Wrap, dim_cumsum_n_Wrap, dim_rmsd_n_Wrap, dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap, dim_rmvmed_n_Wrap, dim_rmvmed_Wrap, dim_standardize_n_Wrap, dim_stddev_n_Wrap, dim_sum_n_Wrap, dim_sum_wgt_n_Wrap, dim_variance_n_WrapThis suite of functions is an upgrade to the existing dim_xxxxfunctions which operate only on the rightmost dimension. Thedim_xxxx_n and dim_xxxx_n_Wrap functions operateon the input given dimenions, so you don't have to reorder theinput array first.pdfxyGenerates a joint probability density distribution. plt_pdfxyCreates a nice plot of the joint probability array created by thepdfxy function.stat_dispersionGenerates a number of 'dispersion' statistics. str_capital, str_concat,str_fields_count, str_get_cols,str_get_dq, str_get_field, str_get_nl, str_index_of_substr, str_insert,str_is_blank, str_join,str_left_strip, str_lower,str_right_strip, str_squeeze,str_strip, str_sub_str,str_switch, str_upperA new suite of string functions to make reading ASCII files andprocessing NCL strings easier.yyyyddd_to_yyyymmddGiven year and day-of-year (yyyyddd) create a one-dimensionalarray containing concatenated year, month and day-of-month [yyyymmdd]values.yyyymmdd_to_yyyydddGiven concatenated year-month-day_of_month (yyyymmdd) creates aone-dimensional array containing concatenated year and day-of-year[yyyyddd] values.Support for shapefiles and other geospatial data formatsaddfile, ncl_filedump and ncl_convert2nc willsupport the reading of several geospatial vector-data formats, such as shapefiles (.shp),MapInfo interchange files (.mif),Generic Mapping Tools ascii files (.gmt),and pre-2006 editionTIGER/Line files (.rt1).This will be a test version, so use at your own risk. See the shapefiles applications pagefor some examples.New resourcesgsnStringFontColor /gsnLeftStringFontColor /gsnCenterStringFontColor /gsnRightStringFontColorAllows you to set the color of the three subtitlesat the top of a "gsn_csm" plot.Change to the procedure for updating GRIB 1 parameter tablesNCL uses abbreviated short names usually found in GRIB 1 parameter tables to form theinitial component of NCL file variable names. However, centers such as ECMWF sometimes provide tables that have are have no short namesfor some or all the parameters in the table. Formerly, the NCL developers made up suitable short names, but this practice has been discontinued.Now, as NCL adds a file, when no abbreviation is found for a parameter the variable will be assigned the name "VAR_" as its initial component. This is the same scheme used when a parameter has no entry in the table at all. The difference is that no warning will be issued if an entry without an abbreviationis found, and the variable will have "long_name" and "units" attributes as usual. Users should expect that in future releases, if the tables are updated with abbreviations, such names might well change.New and updated ECMWF GRIB 1 parameter tablesThe following new ECMWF parameter tables were added:ECMWF Parameter table version 133 ECMWF Parameter table version 171 ECMWF Parameter table version 172 ECMWF Parameter table version 173 ECMWF Parameter table version 174 ECMWF Parameter table version 175 ECMWF Parameter table version 201 ECMWF Parameter table version 210 ECMWF Parameter table version 211 ECMWF Parameter table version 228 ECMWF Parameter table version 230 ECMWF Parameter table version 234 The following tables were updated:ECMWF Parameter table version 128ECMWF Parameter table version 129ECMWF Parameter table version 131ECMWF Parameter table version 132ECMWF Parameter table version 140ECMWF Parameter table version 151ECMWF Parameter table version 160ECMWF Parameter table version 162ECMWF Parameter table version 190ECMWF Parameter table version 200"addfiles" bugs fixedThere were several bugs in the new implementation of theaddfiles function that was released with version 5.1.0. They were serious enoughthat users should not trust the data read into variables usingaddfiles for version5.1.0. Anyone that relies onaddfiles should upgrade to the new releaseimmediately. The bugs that were fixed include the following:Striding across the leftmost (aggregated) dimension did not work correctly: f = addfiles("file*07*.nc","r") xnew = f[:]->x(::5,:,:)The second serious bug is that if the data extracted from thefirst file of an aggregated variable was reduced to a single value,the returned variable was incorrectly internally tagged as aoscalar. When accessed without subscripts, this had the strange effectof returning the proper number of elements but giving them all thevalue of the first element. Here's an example of the problem: fnames = (/ "", "" /) fp = addfiles(fnames, "r") days = fp[:]->days print(days) days = days / sum(days) print(days)Adding a subscript makes it work correctly: days(:) = days(:) / sum(days)There was also a bug that resulted in files not being closed properly when the when the file list variable was deleted.These bugs have been fixed in V5.1.1.Bugs fixedvinth2p, vinth2p_ecmwf,vintp2p_ecmwfA bug was discovered that affects the top two interpolated levels only.The underlying vinth2p, vinth2p_ecmwf,vintp2p_ecmwf codes were taken directlyfrom the original CCM Processor( ).These subroutines have been used possibly since the late 1980s.Recently, Mark Branson (Colorado State University), was examininginterpolated values at the uppermost interpolated levels. Hediscovered a bug.An example will be used to illustrate the bug:Consider temperatures [TM (K)] at the following model hybrid levels[PM (hPa)]: PM TM abs(-1)fatal:syntax error: abs is a function not a procedure; return value must be referencedfatal:error at line 0ncl 1> Bug in clmMon2clmDayThe linint1_Wrap function was invokedprior to being loaded within contributed.ncl. This will be fixed in 4.3.0, but you can fix it yourself by moving clmMon2clmDayafter linint1_Wrap is defined.Bug in dtrend and dtrend_msgIf return_info was set to True, and the input ywas double and had more than one dimension, then you would get asegmentation fault or incorrect results.Bug in reading HDF variable attributes of type string that havenull characters in them.If NCL read in an HDF file that had an attribute with nullcharacters in it, then the attribute value was truncated at that firstnull character. This bug has been fixed, and the null characters arereplaced with a single space (but only if there are more non-nullcharacters after it).Memory leak fixedA user reported a memory leak problem in which the way youimplement a logical expression in an "if" statement had a seriouseffect on your code if executed multiple times. The code: if (flags(x)) thenwas not working as efficiently as this code: if (flags(x).eq.True) thenOptimization problem (not a bug!) with hyi2hyoon Linux systems.There was an odd optimization problem withhyi2hyo on Linux systems that would cause it tothink you were trying to pass in a 1D array for xi, when youindeed had a 3D array.Bug in lspolylspoly would only work if the input was floator double.Bug in 'mpSpecifiedFill[Colors,Patterns,Scales] resourcesThe mpSpecifiedFillColors,mpSpecifiedFillPatterns, and mpSpecifiedFillScales resources were notworking because of changes introduced to handle subarea groupdesignators such as "counties" and "states".Bug in numAsciiRowIf you call numAsciiRow, itmay appear to hang. This will be fixed in 4.3.0, but you can fix ityourself by editing the file:$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncland changing the line: nrow_s = systemfunc("'wc' -l" + fNam +" awk 'print $1'" )to have a space after the "-l": nrow_s = systemfunc("'wc' -l " + fNam +" awk 'print $1'" )Bug in rtestrtest did not check the size of the Nr argument. Now if Nrc = c Create a scalar variable in NCL, assign it the dimension name"ncl_scalar", and then assign this variable to the file: f = addfile("","c") c = 5 c!0 = "ncl_scalar" f->c = cUsing one of the above methods results in a file as follows: netcdf test variables: int c ; data: c = 5 ; Use a more efficient method to avoid the double copying ofattributes to a file: c = 5.123 c@long_name = "sample constant" c@units = "m" f = addfile("","c") filevardef(f,"c", typeof(c), "ncl_scalar") filevarattdef(f,"c", c) f->c = (/ c /) ; Use '(/' and '/)' to avoid ; copying of attributes.Using the above method results in a file as follows: netcdf test variables: float c ; c:units = "m" ; c:long_name = "sample constant" ; You are no longer allowed to define the dimension "ncl_scalar" usingfiledimdef. If you do, a warning level message isreturned: FileAddDim:"ncl_scalar" is a reserved file dimension name in NCL; it cannot be defined by the user Note that there is no restriction on using the name "ncl_scalar" as adimension name for ordinary variables: only for defining it as a filedimension.Performanceenhancement for array variable initialization and assignmentWhenever the new function is invoked, it fillsthe variable with missing values. This method has been improved todouble the number of initializations taking place for eachiteration.Where possible, contiguous data are now copied used single invocationsof memcpy, thus speeding up the intialization of various kinds ofarray assignments, including:unsubscripted assignment where the types differunsubscripted = subscripted: t = u(1,:,:)subscripted = unsubscripted: t(1,:,:) = usubscripted = subscripted: t(1,:,:) = u(0,0:9,:)subscripted = scalar: t(1,:,:) = 10.0The optimization is only possible when certain conditions are met:the stride is positivethe dimension is not reversedthe dimension is not reorderedthe dimension does not employ vector subsettingNew and updated functionsdspnt2s, dspnt2d,dspnt3s, dspnt3d.These routines were updated to allow multiple dimensions.gammaincEvaluates the incomplete gamma function; often used to determineprobabilitiesgetfilevartypesReturns the types of the named variables in a given file.Any gsn_csmscript that recognizes the gsnAddCyclicresource.The gsn_csmplotting scripts have been updated such that if 2D latitude/longitudecoordinate variables are present (that is, the data has the special"lat2d" and "lon2d" attributes set to 2D arrays), then gsnAddCyclic will default to False.This means that any NCL scripts that are setting the lat2d/lon2dattributes and expecting the cyclic point to be added, you will needto add a line setting gsnAddCyclic toTrue: res@gsnAddCyclic = Truegsn_csm_vector_map_ce andgsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ceThese two plotting functions were modified so that if both alabelbar and a vector reference annotation are drawn, and you move thereference annotation up, then the labelbar will not get moved up intothe tickmarks. If you were previously getting around this problem bysetting the pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF resource toreadjust the position of the labelbar, then you may want to considerremoving the setting of this resource altogether.gsn_panelUpdated to add a new resource called gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF. U


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